Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Urban Picnic

My inspiration for the “Urban Picnic” project is doing things out of the ordinary. As a kid I’ve always loved two things profoundly 1. Picnics and 2. Astonishing City Views. You can always experience a nice view of the sky horizon or a combination of trees, lakes, trails, and the city (at times) at the park. Depending where you live. I like to combine both things together to fuse concepts and experience a new subgenre of activity an“Urban Picnic.”

My plan is to make an available space for 2-4 people. So, therefore if each piece of sod is 16in (1ft 4 in.) x 24 in (2ft) and the average female in the US is 5ft 4in and 5ft 9in for males, then a 10x5 piece of sods will make a perfect rectangle to fit about 2-4 people. Putting lights around the designated sod area is good for warning cyclists or even pedestrians that there is a designated piece

of land that is unleveled with the rest of the ground surrounding it. Have the main piece be in the Pedestrian bridge but have other locations in order to see the city in an array of angles. “Different angles, different point of views, different interpretations, different atmospheres, different feelings.” The piece that would be located on the Whole Foods rooftop would be to feel the urban feeling on top of a building.

The Materials needed would be sods of grass. Portable lights to put around the sods for night lighting. Signs for area designated for picnicking.

The Main Location will be the Lamar Pedestrian Bridge. With a Length of 32 ft. it and an infinite width (according to my sod measures)

Other Locations include:
The Foundation on Castle Hill (W. 12th street)

The Whole Foods rooftop on (W. 6th street and Lamar)

Length is infinite and width for Whole Foods rooftop is infinite (according to my sod calculations)
This piece on top of whole foods rooftop is (20ft in length and infinite in width (according to my sod calculations)

Mostly "Austinites", Food Lovers, Adventurous people. Food Lovers, Why? Because if you enjoy good food why not enjoy it in a good atmosphere? Adventurous people, Why? Because this concept about an "Urban Picnic" just expands in the idea of new adventures and explorations. Discovering a combination of ideas perhaps people never stopped and thought of.

Check out Urban Intervention Green Corner by Otto Karvonen and Jon Irigoyen!

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