Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Than Just A Bus Stop

My public art proposal was inspired by the numerous citizens in Austin who take the bus, ride their bikes, or walk to where they want to go. So what more of a perfect place to install a public work of art than at a bus stop? This bus stop would not just be one single art installation, but rather a collection of art installations changed monthly and created by local Austin artists. Each month, one local artist from Austin would have the opportunity to build on, around, and inside of a bus stop, making it their own creation while still maintaining a bus stop’s practical value.

Interchangeable panels on the sides, inside, and top of the seating areas could be canvases for these artists and give them the chance to have their art seen. Benches could also be transformed into amazing works of art given the materials of either steel or wood. Included with the art installation will be a short biography of the artist along with his or her contact information. The possibilities and usable materials are really endless, given the amount of talent found in this city. This art would not only be seen by bus users, but also practically everyone in Austin.

The bus stop on the intersection of Brazos and 6th Street is the perfect location for this project since it is in the heart of downtown Austin.

This project ends up benefitting a large percentage of Austin. Not only will it be an opportunity for an artist to display his or her work, but it also provides visual stimulation and appeal for an ordinary person going about their day.

-Sehaam Ahmed

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